Congratulations! You have finally landed a job interview with one of the top companies on your target list.That's exciting, now don't screw it up. Don't ever fool yourself into thinking that interview mistakes are just for the inexperienced, early-in-career job candidates.
We can all relate to this story. You attend an event or party, you spoke to several people, but only remembered a few. Why did you remember those people? Generally, it's something they did or said that stood out in your mind.
In a very popular article, 5 Reasons Why Your Online Presence Will Replace Your Resume in 10 years by Dan Schwabel, he gave valid reasons why personal/professional profiles on social media networks will replace the traditional […]
Recently, I have been doing a fair amount of interview coaching for my executive-level clients and when we drilled down to their primary concerns it all came back to their responses. They are worried about […]
When you are heavily engrossed in a “I-need-new-job-please-hire-me” job search mode, it is easy to forget that as the executive job seeker you can interview the company as well. At the end of the day, it is really […]
It is great when all the dots connect – during one of my career development workshop with federal employees, an observant participant noted that accomplishment statements used on executive resumes are great career success story builders for […]
Interview mistakes that the best executives can make in today’s job market. In just a few days, August is gone and we are talking fall – then the dreaded Halloween celebration (inside joke), Thanksgiving, Christmas/holiday season and […]
Interview them as much as they interview you… When you are heavily engrossed in a “I-need-new-job-please-hire-me” job search mode, it is easy to forget that as the executive job seeker you must interview the company […]