I have got to be honest with you, the greatest human failing is not being able to properly assess your own personal strengths, gifts, talents and abilities.
In fact, if you’re like most folks, you spend way too much time identifying your weaknesses and spending all your time trying to overcome these imperfections.
If you have been doing this all your life, now is the time to stop!
Being a successful retiree means learning how to use your strengths, gifts, talents and abilities.
In this article, well discuss ten proven tips to help you take advantage of your abilities:
Recognize your abilities
The first thing is that you have to do is recognize your abilities and dismiss feeling of inadequacy.
You must recognize your strengths, gifts, talents and abilities, whatever they may be.
Believe in your true self and find out what you are truly good at and what your unique calling is. We all have special talents and are unique individuals.
Identify your unique strengths
Explore and identify your strengths and talents. For instance, if you had pursued carpentry as a career or as a hobby, your strengths could be an eye for detail, precision, and creativity.
You could mold your after-retirement career around these traits.
Be confident and proud of your strengths
It is a natural tendency to underplay your strengths. After all, no one wants to be a brag but retirement is the time to be confident and proud.
You have accomplished so much in your life and now is the time to take advantage of your skills.
So, it’s OK to give yourself a small tap on the back. By capitalizing on your strengths, you can accomplish all of your goals and help others in your path.
Building your retired life around your strengths
After recognizing your strengths, gifts, talents and abilities, plan your retired life around them.
Perhaps you will pursue a second career after retirement or a volunteer opportunity.
The possibilities are endless, just be open and receptive to receive and you will gain a sense of fullness and accomplishment.
Finding new goals
Now that you have some time on your hands, really think about your goals and aspirations.
- What is it that you want to accomplish in your life?
- Has your dreams changed since you were a teenager?
- Do you still have the same interests that you did 20 years ago?
- How can you make your dreams become a reality?
Start a business
Today, retirees are better educated and skilled. Use your knowledge and skills to start a business or nonprofit organization.
Not only will you use your talents in a wonderful way but you will make a significant contribution to the world.
Educate and teach others
If teaching and coaching is your special talent then don’t hog it, share your knowledge with others. Conduct adult education classes or tutor students.
Re-educate yourself.
After all, learning is a lifelong process and you could use your retirement years to increase your knowledge. Take this time to learn new skills or brush up on rusty ones.
Community service.
Pay back to the community that gave you so much by volunteering your services. For instance, if you are a retired carpenter, perhaps you can make cribs for a teenage pregnancy shelter.
Stay active in the community.
Perhaps you can run for political office, help someone with their campaign, become a deacon, whatever you are called to do.
In conclusion, everyone has special gifts and talents that could be utilized to make the world a better place in which to live. Even if they were previously hidden or dormant, retirement is the time to take advantage and pursue them.