Steps to Leading with Impact

The critical times that we face today require great leadership on every level.

1. Lead by your example.

It’s essential to be a good listener and role model.

Your employees watch what you do, how you act, and how you react. If you lead with conviction, they are more likely to follow you.

Remember that good leaders model good behavior and you can set a strong example by leading with conviction.

Don’t underestimate your power and impact is as a leader to others especially during difficult and uncertain times.

2. Influence through a shared vision.

Leaders must create a shared vision that motivates employees and inspires them to work positively toward a common goal.

This vision must be consistent and straightforward so that everyone can understand it, regardless of position in an organization.

● Use words like “together” and “we” to encourage your employees to be involved in creating a shared vision.

● Keep employee input and suggestions to a baseline so that others within the organization feel heard.

● Get everyone to focus by using the vision as a way to unite them rather than a way of division.

● When you know the direction you want your organization to go, create shared goals that guide your employees’ actions and behaviors toward reaching that vision.

3. Keep company with intelligent leaders.

Great leaders surround themselves with others who complement their leadership abilities.

Intentionally engage and form relationships with other leader who are skillful at negotiation, team building and big picture thinking.

For example, expert negotiators can help you develop a win-win solution, expedite problem solving and build trust with employees at all levels.

● Any way you look at it, surrounding yourself with powerful leaders helps you to become the best leader.

4. Keep a team-focused approach.

Remote work has become increasingly popular in recent years, but it can affect team dynamics and team culture.

If you are the leader of a remote team, it’s important to maintain the culture and foster engagement among your team.

● In smaller offices, teams are often more interactive and flexible, so maintaining personal connections and being readily available can make remote work arrangements perform successfully.

5. Encourage transparency and accountability.

Trust is essential in today’s work environment. If you want people on your team to trust you and to work well with each other, ensure that there’s transparency in everything that you do.

● Sharing information, resources and best practices will help build trust and minimize division among your employees.

Actively look for new ways to be more efficient, innovative, and impactful in your leadership role.