Becoming More Coachable for Success

Finding a competent and compatible coach is only half of the solution. It’s also important to develop your own level of coachability to be successful.

Coaching can help you to clarify your vision and leverage your strengths if you know how to use the resources your coach provides.

If you’re like most professionals, you want to succeed, but you may not be sure how to best leverage coaching as part of the process.

However, you can develop the right skills, qualities and mindset to help prepare you for accepting guidance from another person.

Here are a few strategies to consider so you can have a successful relationship with your life or career coach.

Communication Skills:

1. Listen closely.

Pay attention to what your coach is reflecting back to you.

Look for the truth in any message instead of dismissing the coach’s perspective or trying to make excuses. Maintain eye contact and resist any urge to interrupt frequently.

2. Ask questions.

Ensure you understand what your coach is telling you.

Paraphrase their statements in your own words, clarify any points you’re unsure of and ask for concrete examples.

3. Take your time.

Give yourself time to absorb the information fully. Focus on responding thoughtfully rather than quickly.

If a situation or topic stirs up strong feelings, take a deep breath, allow room to regroup and calm down so you can think clearly.

4. Embrace feedback.

Ask others for input frequently and graciously accept new insights. It’s ok to entertain a few objective viewpoints even while  working with your coach.

5. Watch your body language.

Monitor your gestures and non-verbal expressions to ensure they are friendly and consistent with your words.

Coaches are human and It’s easier to form better relationships and engagements when you make them feel respected and appreciated throughout the process.

6. Open up.

Recognize that there is more than one way to approach the same goals and outcomes.

Consider your coach’s suggestions even when they’re different from your usual methods.

Practical Skills and Qualities:

1. Value learning.

Are you excited about adding to your knowledge and stretching your skills?

Learning is a mindset that helps you to make sound decisions and adapt effectively to change.

A learning mindset can also motivate you to persevere through the ups and downs of the coaching process.

2. Set goals.

While your coach can help you to reach your goals, your targets need to be specific and meaningful for you.

Write down your goals and share them with your coach and others to increase accountability.

3. Manage your expectations.

Do you understand the difference between coaching and consulting?

A consultant is usually hired to fix and provide solution for a specific issue.

A coach works with you to build your strengths and help you achieve transformation through your own actions and efforts.

4. Cultivate gratitude.

Show appreciation for your coach when positive results start showing up in your life.

Putting your coach’s insights into action is also an effective way of showing that they’re making a difference.

5. Practice consistently.

How can you take what you learn from coaching and use it to make positive changes in your work life?

Develop a strategy for enhancing your performance and set specific goals in areas where you want to grow.

Deliberate practice requires discipline and effort, but it pays off.

6. Evaluate your progress.

Self-examination and self-assessment are important parts of the coaching process.

Reflect on the areas that you’ve already covered, be proactive on what you want to achieve next and enjoy the journey of discovering more about yourself and your abilities.

Being coachable is about being ready and being willing to learn and grow.

Go ahead and unlock your potential so you can achieve greater personal and professional success.