Regardless of your position or your career success to date, you can increase your credibility and brand awareness throughout your industry in several ways.
Some of the immediate benefits include accessing unadvertised job opportunities and gaining professional reputation as leader among your trusted peers and colleagues.
Building Visibility Online
Update your LinkedIn Profile.
Your LinkedIn profile may be more important than your resume these days. Keep your summary current and compelling. Recruiters may be shopping for passive candidates or potential clients may be looking for someone with your qualifications.
Seek testimonials.
Collecting positive feedback from others strengthens your credibility. Ask for recommendations and endorsements on LinkedIn. Gather quotes that you can use on your website and offer testimonials to others in return.
Join forums.
Take part in discussion groups related to your field and areas of expertise. Be positive and focus on specific people so you can build ongoing professional relationships.
Post comments.
Let colleagues know when you’re impressed with their articles or find them thought provoking.
Provide useful information and links to other reputable sources. When appropriate, include your website or other contact information so others can get in touch with you.
Start a blog.
Contribute to your company blog or start your own. Stay on topic and provide fresh content so readers will have a reason to keep coming back.
Interview leaders in your field, comment on a popular news story, review a new software package or report on a major conference.
Publish articles.
Contact sites that advertise for outside authors and check their policies on making payments or providing bylines.
If possible, include your photo, social media links, and other contact information to drive traffic to your website or LinkedIn profile.
Become a media source.
Journalists need experts in all kinds of fields to verify facts and give them quotes. Develop a relationship with reporters who specialize in your field or work at local newspapers.
Building Recognition Offline
Participate in professional associations.
Become active in the local chapter of your professional association. Attend the monthly lunches and show up early for networking.
Volunteer to serve on the membership committee or help with planning signature annual events.
Speak in public.
Brush up on your public speaking skills. You may be able to arrange high-paying appearances, or arrange a slot on the schedule at the next professional industry event.
Volunteer in your community.
Select a charity you care about and propose a volunteer project that will involve working with others. You could research historical information or strategize a marketing campaign.
Mentor others.
Reach out to students and new professionals and uncover exciting opportunities by making your strengths and accomplishments widely known.
Sharing your expertise with others online and face-to-face is a great way to extend your network and become more marketable.