Everyone, yes, even the high flyers and superstars, have thought about changing careers. Whether it comes at the heels of a stressful project, frustration from an unreasonable boss or a phase of boredom with current […]
What are you passionate about? Notice, I didn’t ask if you are passionate. But what are you passionate about? What stirs your emotions? What is it you can’t stop talking about whenever someone asks: “What […]
Did all your wishes, dreams and goals come through? If you are like most people, your answer is no…even when you have had an amazing year. If you could change anything in your life right […]
Outstanding. Unfulfilled. Upward. Change. Turmoil. Unpredictable. Winning. Achievement. These words might evoke a powerful array of emotions and reflections on your professional journey. They encapsulate the peaks and valleys, the unexpected twists, and the triumphant […]
I am here to remind you to stop making light of your career achievements and take credit for what you’ve done “Oh, it was not a big deal.” “That feels so natural for me, I […]
Some people know at an early age what they want to do and be in life. They proclaim it, they pursue and the right career path just opens up. But what about the rest of […]
Success can easily be compared to the genie trapped in a bottle. For many of us, it is a matter of finding a way to open the bottle, and then, follow a specific path. This […]
Maybe you are at a crossroad in your career and wondering if you are cut out for leadership roles. We all secretly wonder inside if we can be a great leader, but is it something […]
Are you Sharon? Sharon was brought up to be invisible. She was taught to be very tuned into others’ feelings and needs, but to never have any of her own. Her family made it clear […]