One-size resumes only work for one-size careers
Though I have been diligently exercising and taking advantage of every chance to do a physical activity (class, strength training, brisk walks), I have to finally accept that my body has changed.
In some ways for the better, but it has changed. So the clothes hanging in my closet can still fit (well, some require more “coaxing” than others), but every fit is not the right fit.
In the same way, there are certain resume standards and resume writing best practices that you should adhere to all the time.
However, the executive resume is a living document and should accurately reflect what has happened in your career. More importantly, it’s your strategic marketing document and compelling career story.
Your career story is not my career story or your fellow colleague’s story – so your resume solutions and overall strategy for a quality resume should be different from mine and vice versa.
I am sure that your career plans did not always work out exactly like you planned, so you have to develop an executive resume that best reflects your career situations, highlights your achievements effectively and puts a “bandaid” on your unexpected career speed bumps.
Here are three common resume strategies that differ from the norm:
Dramatic career changes – analyst to career coach, attorney to screenwriter, banker to non-profit leader, you name it, people are seeking to make career changes everyday.
How you market yourself and how you position yourself on paper does not have to be so daunting.
Loyal careerist – you have done some great things in your career, you have achievements that would attract any employer, but your entire career with one company.
Have no fear, there is a resume solution for that!
Career puzzles all around – bump, bump, bump may be the most appropriate way to describe your career history so far. It has been anything, but ordinary and all of life’s challenges seem to be reflected in it.
Relax, there are resume writing strategies for even the most “complex” career situations.
What career situation seems to have you stumped?