7 Ways to Successfully Change Careers

Are you ready for a career change? It’s never too late to try a new career on for size.

But, changing careers can be a significant challenge, depending on your career of choice.

Here are a few quick tips for successfully make a career change:

List the things you don’t like about your current position.

If you’re considering a change, there must be something that’s rubbing you the wrong way.

It might be your company, the people, or your position.

Maybe you just weren’t cut out to be an accountant, take the time to consider the things you don’t want to see in your next career.

List the things you do like about your current position.

It’s never all bad, no matter how uncomfortable and miserable you may feel right now.

What are things about your current company and position that you enjoy?

What would you like to see in your next position?

Consider your career values.

As you start looking ahead to a new career, think about the career values that are important to you.

Reflect on whether autonomy, room for advancement, diversity or teamwork are among the things that will make a career appealing to you.

List your values and consider careers that dovetail with them.

Brainstorm a list of career possibilities.

Now that you’ve given some thought to what you like, don’t like, and your values, think of careers that can satisfy all of those requirements.

Talk to mentors, people whose careers you admire, jot down careers you wanted to pursue when you were younger.

Set a reasonable, but high-level goal.

It’s one thing to toss around in your head what you want in a new career. But do more than think about it or just talk about it, put a plan in place.

Create a schedule to conduct informational interviews, attend networking events, revive relationships with trusted professional colleagues.

Be confident, be committed, have faith, but be willing to do the work needed to make career change.

Collaborate with industry specific headhunters and recruiters.

While recruiters are not responsible for marketing you to every employer, those who special in certain industries or professions can be a vital resource in your job search.

They are aware of key industry trends and what and who companies are looking for in the marketplace.

So they can also provide strategic advice on how to make a successful career transition.

Be patient.

Pivoting to a new position in an entirely new career can be challenging and may take longer than your original plan.

However, as someone who successfully moved from a banking career to an executive resume writer and career coach, it can happen.

You must be patient, persistent and manage your expectations but keep working hard toward realizing your dream.

Take the time to make a wise decision and then put a plan in place, this could be the beginning of a new chapter in your career.