4 Easy Steps to Perfecting Your Resume Achievements

If you are currently in job search mode, know that employers, hiring managers, and recruiters are looking for the same things.

When they review professional resumes, they look at work experience, skills, right job fit and solid examples of quantifiable and qualitative career accomplishments.

If your professional resume does not provide readers with an accurate picture of why they should hire you, you are in a for a very long ride.

Like anything else, there are good career achievements and there are outstanding “wow” career achievements.

Without exaggeration or lies, how you present your career achievements on your resume can make a huge difference is how you are perceived by employers and recruiters.

Let take the achievement of a sales associate as an example:

Good resume achievement: Helped sales department reach $500K annual revenue goal in DC Metropolitan area.

Better resume achievement: Helped sales department reach $500K annual revenue goal despite rising industry and market competition.

Best resume achievement: Played pivotal role in leading sales department to achieve aggressive $500K annual revenue goal by instituting company-wide training initiatives that increased closing rates 25% and enhanced customer retention by 15%.

See the difference?

I find that many senior professionals, executives and careerists tend to downplay their career achievements on their resumes for the fear of appearing boastful.

Truth is that in a job search, you are selling yourself, so why not go the extra mile in your presentation?

Read entire post at Abby’s LinkedIn profile


(Photo credit: freedigitalphotos.net)