Can you really bulletproof your career?
After all what works today is gone or changed after a few months.
Not matter what your career level is, you will be impacted by emerging workplace and industry changes.
In the past, moving up the ranks meant bigger offices, large compensation packages and secure employment.
But the workplace is very different now.
Even if you are top executive, you cannot get too comfortable.
The corner office and the company car are dispensable and overspending in your personal life is not a good idea.
Matter of fact, the higher up on the corporate ladder you go, you are at greater risk and more vulnerable.
Why? Because job stability and security is not the same today.
Technology, globalization, offshoring, outsourcing, and mobility have changed how we work in every industry.
Contract and temporary jobs are common:
The tenure for most senior-executive level jobs are 24 to 36 months.
And those jobs come with very specific performance objectives and performance expectations.
As an executive, you have to embrace ongoing career marketing and self-promotion for preservation.
Even if you are happy in your current role, you have to be ready and positioned for the next assignment.
Competition is fierce and tough:
Companies have the upper hand these days when it comes to hiring executives.
They have more options for attracting top talent, so high-paying, executive roles have long hiring cycles.
Top-performing executives have to demonstrate effectively how they will contribute to a company’s bottom line.
Having quantifiable examples of revenue growth, business expansion, efficiency improvement and cost reduction are game changers in the job search.
As an executive-level job seeker, it’s imperative to be proactive when it comes to your personal brand and leadership reputation.
Having the right title, qualifications and experience is no longer enough to close the deal.
Severance and separation packages are shrinking:
When your contract is cut, you are gone. Just like that.
Companies are more prudent and reserved around separate clauses and severance packages even at the executive level.
Losing your job today means having to jump right into a job search tomorrow. No delays.
You cannot control what happens in your executive career, but you can leverage stealth career growth strategies.
- Regularly update your executive resume, LinkedIn and career marketing documents
- Nurture and actively engage with your personal and professional network
- Elevate your profile through leadership roles in associations and trade groups
- Share your expertise through presentations, writing articles and sharing insights
- Stay current on industry trends, required skills and certifications
- Don’t live in a box, follow competitors and track market changes
- Be visible and connect with others in person at networking events
- Pay attention to who’s hiring and be open to conversations with recruiters
- Always look for ways to make a bigger impact and contribute more to company
- Become a master at interviewing, networking, negotiating and selling yourself
Being in a career transition whether planned or unexpected can be overwhelming for anyone, but staying current and being prepared are your best strategies.
How did you succeed the last time you were in a career transition?