When it comes to your executive job search, these 7 steps work, time and time again.
Sure the strategies, techniques and tactics in each step should be customized and targeted, but whether you are reaching for a CEO job in manufacturing or a VP of marketing job in technology industry, following this path will lead to your desired reward.
1) Choose your target: Yes, you may be qualified to do anything, but what is your target, focus and goal at this time?
Do you want the landscaper telling you about his culinary skills? I hope not…so when you are clear on your final job destination, you will know exactly what opportunities to pursue, who to contact and what companies to research.
2) Create your career story: You need to sell yourself in person, on paper and online. Remember you are marketing yourself, so that means selling employers and recruiters on your benefits and value proposition.
Determine what tools can best complement your job search efforts – LinkedIn profile, Google profile, Branded resume, “sales-focused” cover letters, career biography and so on. You may not need everything, but the right documents will leverage your activities.
3) Put on your best social media face: Welcome to the new millenium job search where documents (online and offline) do the selling for you. Your LinkedIn profile will be the first career summary that employers and recruiters will review…so get on LinkedIn fast and make sure that your profile sizzles!
4) Get the word out: The six degrees of separation philosophy applies to executive job search as well. In the past week, I personally referred 2 jobseekers to “hidden” job opportunities.
Start of with a list of the top 5-10 people in your network who are well connected and go from there. With networking you want to give as much as you receive.
5) Make face time with the big players: Having a great resume and strong LinkedIn profile are essential for getting started, but they are useless unless the right people see them. The faster you present yourself as a key contributor to top decision makers, the faster you will move to a new position.
6) Determine how your search is going: Repetition of doing the RIGHT job search activities will bring you success. Every week, evaluate your job search activities to identify areas of improvement and things done well and take the time to plan your upcoming tasks for the following week.
7) Land the job and lock in the offer: Blow your competition away in the interview by living up to everything the employer reads on your executive resume. Expand on your WOW achievements, cite specific examples that relate to the job opening and give them a powerful leave behind document to keep you fresh in their minds.