You are out there doing the right thing. You’re talking to prospective clients, expanding your network and making great connections with key decision makers. That’s great and I commend you for that…but what happens after that?
- Do you have an updated LinkedIn profile?
- Is there a website with compelling copy that you send them to?
- What about a business bio or capabilities statement?
While I believe that in-person networking and face-to-face connections net the best results, often initial engagement with prospects and joint venture partners will begin online.
I always recommend that my clients leverage both online and offline marketing strategies to build their brand and create a following.
One effective way of doing this is through a consultant/professional bio. While this document can go a long way in helping you make a great first impression, your consultant bio has to be more than just your background or expertise, it must communicate an important message for prospective clients.
If you already have a consultant bio, how is it working for you?
- Are you getting overlooked for projects because your bio doesn’t market you well?
- Have you tried to cram everything in your bio so that it’s confusing to a prospective client?
- Have you avoided putting a bio together because you don’t see its benefits?
- Have you translated your experience and achievements into a consultant resume?
Whether you are writing your own consultant bio or hiring someone to create it for you, here are 12 questions you must consider ahead of time.
- What are my prime areas of expertise?
- What makes me unique (what I offer, how I deliver, my philosophy)?
- What ways can I entice prospect clients so they want to work with me?
- What is the core marketing message I want to convey?
- Do my branding/marketing messages resonate with my ideal clients?
- Who are my ideal clients and how well do I know them?
- How will my marketing message stand out from my competitors?
- What is my value proposition and brand promise?
- Do I have signature consulting programs, products and services?
- What can prospective clients expect from working with me?
- Do I have testimonials from past clients that I can include?
- Has my business focus changed significantly in the past year?
What are some other pieces of information that you would include in a consultant bio, consultant resume or consultant marketing kit?