Every person on this earth has a special gift – our gifts may not all be equal but they are all special.
What is your gift?
It may be singing, acting or craftsmanship.
Or you may have an eye for detail, allowing you to turn an ordinary space into a wonderful haven, where people would want to spend their time.
It’s never too late to make a change and find a path that will allow you to be true to yourself.
You just need to recognize your gift and take it out from where it is hidden.
The time has come for you to let your light shine and to do what you truly enjoy.
Do it for yourself and for nobody else. But when you do, your light might just lighten up somebody else’s way.
I know that many of you are at that place right now where you are wondering if you have special talents or unique gifts.
But we all have something to give in every season of life. Part of my gift to you as a coach and personal brand strategist is helping to uncover what is already brilliant in you.
Nothing is appreciated until it’s released for all to experience…
Imagine a world without a Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson, Bill Gates or a Picasso.
It’s almost like imagining a world without music or computers as we know them. By sharing their talent with us, these individuals have certainly made our world a better place.
There are others you can think of, who have appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and have redefined our worlds.
They have changed the way we eat drink and relax, even the way we do business.
But before they took that step to show us what they had, nobody had even an inkling as to what was coming.
What about you. Who knows how you could change our world?
You could be the next big thing, but even if you don’t change the world like Bill Gates, you could still change your world, in a million ways.
And ultimately that’s the most important part, changing your world.
If you don’t do something about it you’ll never know, what you’re capable of. By taking that first step you’re making a declaration of your independence.
What caused me to take that first step?
- I was sick and tired of living for weekends.
- I was tired of working for a living, of always not having enough money.
- I got tired of getting up in the morning and going to work even if I didn’t feel it.
I knew that when I made it I would inspire so many others who thought they couldn’t make it.
So go out there and follow your dreams.